Sr. No. Product Name CAS Number End Use
1 Linagliptin 668270-12-0 Type II Diabetic
2 Sodium Phenyl Butyrate 1716-12-7 Urea Cycle Disorder
3 Glycerol Phenyl Butyrate 611168-24-2 Urea Cycle Disorder
4 Ropivacaine HCI 98717-15-8 Anaesthetic
5 Bupivacaine HCI 73360-54-0 Anaesthetic
6 Carbamazepine 298-46-4 Anticonvulsant
7 Iron Sucrose 8047-67-4 Treat Iron Deficiency Anemia
8 Ketoconazole 65277-42-1 To Treat Skin Infections Caused by a Fungus (Yeast)
9 Itraconazole 84625-61-6 Anti Fungal
10 Felodipine 72509-76-3 High Blood Pressure
11 Ferric Carboxy Maltose 9007-72-1 Treat Iron Deficiency Anemia
12 Caffeine 58-08-2 Natural Stimulant

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